Moving Forward
In all of our lives there will be times when we get to have a new beginning. But while we are excited for this when it happens, make sure that you take the time to process what has just ended. I can hear you. Why in the world should you look backward rather than go forward? I am not suggesting that you delay moving forward, but I am suggesting that before you can start a new chapter, make sure you have comprehended all of the contents from the previous one.
One of the reasons why we have painful visitations from our past is that they were never fully dealt with. As you do this, some things that are ending will be celebrated, and some things you will grieve over, but you must do this in order to maximize your next phase. Don’t be afraid to go through this, for it will enable you to move forward with the confidence of knowing that you are ready for the great things ahead on your journey.
Why Do We Help?
We are concerned about the overall wellbeing of the body of Christ. For that reason, we go out of our way to minister to our congregation and to our community. At any given time, we can be seen throughout the City performing community service. We love doing the work of ministry.
We believe that as the disciples fed the man at the gate prior to offering him what they had, it is the ministerial model of Pastor Newman that along with giving a man a fish, we teach him how to fish.
Pastor Newman has written a book "I Am the Rose" where he shares with his readers that they must value themselves FIRST in order to be valued by others. It is this message that endears others to him and is the consistent theme woven throughout all facets of his ministry.
If you are interested in the ministry of Dr. John Allen Newman, please give us a call and we will be happy to introduce you to the -
Focus of the ministry of Pastor Newman
Pastor Newman is involved in the community on both a local and national representative level. He not only travels to Africa to visit with the churches and pastors, children and schools, he is a frequent traveler to Washington, D.C., where he sits in the council of government officials providing insight and perspective.
Who Can Be Helped?
From the youngest to the oldest, Pastor Newman's ministry is one that focuses on the integration of faith and life. Too many times, Christians believe that memorizing scripture is enough. Pastor Newman introduces all who listen to the fullness of understanding and application of the Word. An astute biblical scholar, Pastor Newman believes that when we know God, we form relationship with Him. He believes that once we know who God really is, we can do as He has said for us to do - be like Him. So, the question that is most often asked by him to listeners is "Who is God (Really)?"